Saturday, June 27, 2009

sandrisuperstar blog has a new home.

Monday, May 18, 2009

it's been so long since i blogged, but the cupcakes made me do it

i've not blogged since forever ago because i've really been trying to work on my schoolwork when i have "free" time. but right now i'm in this teeeny tiny space between spring semester and summer work... so what do i do? well, i could fix all my photo links in my blog since they all broke due to updates to my gallery :( but decided to do something less necessary instead :) my lastest craftiness is of the baked variety -- i make cupcakes. or as here, cupcake "bites."

this was my first test run and although they didn't end up looking as great as i thought they would, they were yummy:

molded for cupcake shaped cake bites.

what happens when you overheat chocolate wafers... they're supposed to be all smooth and liquid-y... instead, gross and crumbly. ruined an entire bag :P

so i used white candy melts instead. but apparently, i have NO idea how to dip stuff into melted candy.

mia approves of my mistakes, though.

the first finished cupcake bites... they seem cute but really, not as adorable as i was going for.

the end-bites. sort of deformed... but taste good :)

so in the end, they tasted ok and looked meh, but oh well, just means i have to practice practice :D


Monday, May 04, 2009

Posted via Pixelpipe.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

the look of awe

this is the first time she's seen the kelp forest at the aquarium.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patty's Day cupcakes :)

Sunday, March 08, 2009

At the Zoo carousel

Posted via Pixelpipe.

Friday, January 23, 2009

curls! i need curls!

and mia has the most perfect curls ever. here i am playing with a new lens i got for my camera (for school purposes, of course)... i just want to remember these curls forever :)
